
a required taste for the pretentious as all get out





all we are is dust in the wind
July 08, 2003, 12:47 am

My God.

This past weekend...holy shit guys, you don't even want to know.

I promise a full, detailed, to the depths of the pool (or Chesapeake Bay, snicker) report soon.

In the meantime, go to the CafePress and buy 12% Beer Swag, all your very own!

Come on...EVERYONE loves monkeys, and EVERYONE loves beer. Some more than others. At the same time. And that's a story for the weekend update, when I get the pictures back.

A few announcements for my avid fan base:

1. Since I will be in Orlando, Florida from the 12th through the 22nd, I'll be on a 10 day hiatus (unless I can somehow get access to the internet, but I doubt I'll be able to in the throes of Super Fun Teacher Class Schtuff. I'm afraid you'll be without me for a while.

2. I will also be attending a wedding the 25-27th in Pittsburgh; again, not so much with the internet access.

3. I leave for LAS VEGAS on the 28th for an ENTIRE WEEK! (Longer than last year's trip!) I'll be updateless still because Mama Biensoul's gonna win her a brand new pair of shoes on the Blackjack table (or go home broke, drunk, and without sex since Jan. 1st...all a very disappointing but distinct possibility).

4. Item! I have not yet removed the tape case to Roman Holiday that Joe carefully and (dare I say?) lovingly put on top of my tv the night of my Beer Pong Invitational Tournament. I admit that this is, to quote Wayne's World, both bogus and sad, yet I can't help but half-smile upon seeing it. It was a very sweet gesture, I think, and the kind look on his face when he did it both cemented why I'd like to stay friends with him and why I was attracted to him in the first place.

5. And finally, I will reveal one teensy weensy tidbit of fun about my weekend: I have 34 bug bites on my LEFT LEG ALONE. Stay tuned for how on Earth this happened and why I'm popping Advil like M&M's...

I'll leave you with a random quote from Old School, a movie which I didn't think was all that great upon my initial viewing, that got a little bit better upon seeing it a second time, and after quoting it nonstop over the weekend and watching it again, I feel is a new favorite of mine:


Thank you!

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