
a required taste for the pretentious as all get out





steven page is super hot
May 10, 2003, 11:39 pm

Despite having lost a lot of money in Vegas and despite it being 4am, I think the crying Steven Page in this picture is insanely hot.

There are a lot of holes here that I need to fill. That sentence was nowhere near meant as sexual as it sounded.

I have to clarify something from my last entry: I didn't mean for anyone to think that I had been making out with any boyfriends in the stairwell at school while I've been an employee there. I made out with my boyfriends while going to school there, okay?

Okay, so last week, I went to see SMR changes from the nicest, most decent and kind person in the world into a raging, bitter old guy in seconds always astounds me.

Last week was the Senior Prom, and while I had a good time and the students were unbelievably well-behaved, I had a better time last year. The faculty conversation hinged on the decorations (there hardly were any; a great crime considering the kids paid $65 a ticket and had nothing special or interesting to show for it) and how the DJ's equipment kirked out for about 15 minutes due to an energy surge), so I busied myself by snapping pics of the kids I knew (I didn't know as many as last year). Hot Math Teacher was there, and we danced; I also danced with Brettski and Scotty, who, at 25, took one of the kids to the prom (I know, I know).

Junior Prom was last night, and was, overall, better. There was a theme ("Heaven on Earth"), a great DJ who played "It's Tricky!" and "Baby Got Back" and who gave the dancing teachers a shout out. The kids were terrific; the junior class is comprised of much nicer kids than the senior classes, I feel, so they had a ton of good, clean fun. I'll post some of my dancing pictures when I get them developed.

Adrien Brody is really, really messed up hosting SNL. Seriously, I'm waiting for him to run up to Chris Kattan shrieking, trying to beat the spiders off him.

Ack! I didn't tell you about Atlantic City, did I? Let's put it this way, not only did I win the 50/50 raffle ($60), hit it on the roulette table ($80), and walk away with $40 from Blackjack, but I also won a snazzy door prize: that's right, I am the proud owner of (cue James Lipton voice) the greatest movie ever made, Tom Hanks in Dragnet with Dan Akroyd.

Is anyone else as ridiculously excited about the Three's Company tv movie as I am? Is there something wrong in being this deliriously excited?

And I'm spent.

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