
a required taste for the pretentious as all get out





you should have seen me doin' the humpty hump on karaoke
March 29, 2003, 8:25 pm

My kids made me so DAMN proud yesterday.

The ROCKED the Drama Festival.

They made a name for our school when it hasn't had one in quite some time.

I am truly a happy, proud "mom". I love those kids.

My mom said, "You know, your teacher party was a lot of fun, but I think that party we had last night was the best ever."

I think she's right.

Last night we had the wrap party for the film here at my house. It was out of control crazy, and out-of-control drunk.

The ladies and I crash-coursed P.A. Gaby and Adam the A.D.'s girlfriend Erin on the choreography and words for our "Cell Block Tango" dance that we performed for the Oscar Partyand we did it again (sans costumes, unfortunately) last night. It's hilarious because I'm Velma and I have no voice whatsoever. I can dance really well, but after six glasses of wine and a couple of shots, I wasn't too coordinated. I called out cutey Best Boy Joe to be my Charlie. It was well-received and greeting with a vociferous cheer, but most everyone was pretty blasted at that point, so I'm sure they would have cheered for just about anything we threw together.

Our karaoke machine was BLAZING! Throw a ton of actors and film people together and it turns into a veritable sing-off pissing contest; I really enjoyed Scotty's (the lead in the film) rendition of "Copacabana" (though my attempts at starting a conga line ended rather quickly when I ever-so-gracefully fell flat on my face). A major highlight (I thought) was mine and Zak's singing "Double Team" by Tenacious D, right in front of my parents. They were great sports about it, though. (Paul and Zak often refer to me as "JB" as an homage to "Double Team." I don't mind sucking on toes!)

Mike made awards for the cast and Shea and Amy made awards for the crew (like superlatives). I was awarded the "Most Likely To Bring Ungraded Papers Onto Set" award (there's a shock). Gaby was mortified when her award came out to "Most Likely To Make Out In the Tent" (she was making out with Dave! Go Dave!)

Even though my weekends were not the lazy, meandering days I love for almost three months, I'm really going to miss working on the film set. A whole lot. One of the women working on set, Julia, said that this was the best experience she had had on a set before, as everyone really liked each other, and she was right. We had a good time.

The party ended about an hour and a half ago. That's right, 7:20pm on Saturday. A 24 hour party. Most people left around 4am, whereas Dave S., me, Chris, and Joe were still taking shots at the bar (bad idea #1). We took our last shot at 5:30 or so this morning, and boy, was I plowed (in a good way, trust me). So plowed in fact, that I thought it a good idea to sneak Joe up to my room to "see an Audrey Hepburn book" around 6:00am(bad idea #2).

I can handle rejection, I think. I can't really read minds most times, so I don't know what his intentions were (and truth be told, I don't know what mine were either as I was completely drunk). Anyway, we were both lying on my bed all cuddled up and I put on Breakfast at Tiffany's and I thought things were going well as we were holding hands and stuff, and then he said, "I'll be right back, I've got to go to the bathroom" and I passed out.

When I woke up this morning, I was alone, and Joe was asleep in the closet (no lie) in my basement. He made a point of saying "I have no idea how I got downstairs; I don't remember coming down here", but I think he was just trying to be polite. I'm not sure how to read the situation; he certainly acts like he likes me, and I know I must throw the vibe at him rather strongly, too, but I'm not too great at gaging the level of interest without blowing everything out of proportion. Take CNET for example, I mean, he called me on Thursday to apologize for not saying hi to me in school (I was running around and didn't see him); isn't that kind of bizarre? Would YOU read anything extra into that situation if you were crushing on someone? Now you can see why I feel like I'm completely stupid when it comes to relationships and the like; I'm 15 again in all the awkward, painful ways.

And my sister made out with Richie. No, really. I know, but she had no clue that he was that Richie. Shame on him.

Back to the wrap party, a lot of people stayed and went out to Double T this morning for breakfast/lunch around noon; Joe, Chris, and I were still on the verge of being drunk. The meal was hilarious in that I said some of the funniest things that I think I've ever said, and I'll be damned if I can't remember them now; the entire table erupted with laughter in response to my digs, so you know they must have been pretty good.

I'm not a breakfast food type of person. I don't enjoy pancakes (unless they're chocolate chip banana--remind me to tell you a story about those later), I'm not a big sausage/scrapple person, and I only like eggs with lots and lots of cheese (mmmm...healthy!); however, I have a huge soft spot in my heart (and always an empty spot in my stomach) for BISCUITS WITH SAUSAGE GRAVY. I don't know why I love it so much...I just do. ("We just do!"--A.J. '94; shut up, you SO remember that Apple Jacks commercial; you know you do!) I had the supreme delight of having my biscuits with sausage gravy as a staple of my hangover diet. Delicious. (It should be noted that Joe made every effort to sit by me by rearranging the seating order just so he could.)

This afternoon the small partiers left behind sat in the basement, napped, and watched Office Space (damn, it feels good to be a gangsta) and Mallrats (you dumb bastard--it's not a schnooner, it's a sailboat!); we also played Steve's FIREBALL ISLAND game that he left behind. Yes, the very same FIREBALL ISLAND game with The Idol of VUL-KAR! The circa 1986 game whose commercial was ten times better than the game! Everyone finally left when I kicked them out around 7:20pm so I could leave for Paul's show.

I am feeling super guilty and disappointed as I didn't make his show. Paul took time off from work to come do something nice for me on Thursday, and I couldn't make it to his show that I was supposed to videotape. *sigh* Here's the list of reasons why:

1. People still in my house from the party (about seven, seriously)

2. Did not leave until very late for 8pm performance when travel time needed approx. an hour

3. Tornado Warnings in effect for Maryland; thunderstorm happening regardless of tornado's placement

4. Do not have cell phone (have no clue where cell phone is); do not feel comfortable traveling without cell phone/could not call to say that was going to be late without it

5. Aforementioned neglect of car has reared its ugly head as car is sounding weird and not trustworthy to drive a long distance in the rain (seriously)

I feel very bad about missing the show, not only because I was supposed to videotape it, but because I REALLY, TRULY wanted to see it! I am a terrible friend. I think Paul will understand, but I'm disappointed that I couldn't make it.

To be fair though, it's been a crazy weekend. My life waits for no one, or something.

Come on, fhqwhgads; I know you're jockin' me.

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